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Rebellion & Forgiveness 

Rebellion, Faith & Forgiveness... "It's not how you start out. It's how you finish" That's a quote from a music review I was reading. One of the songs in the review got me thinking. I got the impression the song was about the singer's dad. He had a falling out with his dad and the relationship between father and son seemed dead. In interviews the singer talked about his mom and dad divorcing when he was twelve. Dealing with the pain must have been difficult and like many boys he took on the pain of his mother and sister. In the song it sounds like he took on the role of a rebel and fought back. So, is this the beginning or the end the relationship? Yes, my heart breaks when I listen to this song. However, even though this song is quite sad, at the same time it gives the listener hope for regeneration. For all of those reasons I think it is one of the best songs he has written to-date. That's an interesting word, forgiveness. I wonder is forgiveness about condoning bad behavior? Is forgiveness divine or just an act of self-interest? This sensitive, heartfelt and soulful song really touched my heart to the core. Here are the lyrics: When will the cycle stop? When will the story end? This is where I get off. I can't go there anymore. It's too hard to ignore the signs. Where do these tears come from? It feels like they'll never dry. What if we both become... We are strangers in a time where blood is our only tie. And I want you to know that I loved you the most. And it breaks my heart to see you go. I wanted to make you proud. I wanted to see you smile. But, it wasn't good enough, yeah. And I want you to know that I loved you the most. And it breaks my heart to see you go. And I want you to know that I loved you the most. And it breaks my heart to see you go. When will the cycle stop? When will the story end? This is where I get off... First, I don't think we know what the "big plan" is or why certain things happen to us, in our lives good or bad. However, there are definitely signs along the way. And sometimes those signs are right in front of us but we ignore them and the cycle may continue. I wonder could I forgive someone that has hurt me in a life-changing way. Could I move on and become whole again. Without the bitter pain weighting me down into despair because if we don't forgive in the long run we are really hurting ourselves? However, to do so, I think we must have an open heart and it has to be voluntary. I guess in the end it's all up to us. Right? Alright, maybe, just maybe we need to face the bitter, ugly, hard truth of what happened and do what's right, to heal our souls and the scars. Otherwise we will pay a dear price in the long run. We can destroy our own happiness. I want you to know like many folks I'm searching for the answers. Finally, whether forgiveness is divine or just an act of self-interest, why should we give someone else the key to our freedom? That's a lot of power. Maybe forgiving is another way to break the chains that bind us so we can be free. Free from the prison that will only give us limitations and prevents us to love with an open-heart. I think an open-heart gives (us power) to transform our dreams into reality and in turn fulfill one's destiny, which puts us on the road to real happiness. Perhaps, the signs are saying that the power of love and forgiveness are part of the divine plan. "Maybe the gate to a hellish prison is locked from the inside." If that's true, that means we hold the key. Rebellion, Faith & Forgiveness, I think the reviewer maybe onto something, "It's not how you start out. It's how you finish" Wait one minute, not so fast. Yes, we all make mistakes (no one is perfect) but I have one more question. Many times, there are consequences for the actions we take in life. So, does that mean we should forgive and forget? If we forget, we will learn nothing from the past and history may repeat itself. Take Care, Love You Shelley

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    Excellent Web-site, Keep up the wonderful job. Thanks a ton.

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